Politica Cookie per Patrizia Vallachiudi

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Per più informazioni generiche sui cookie consultare l'articolo di Wikipedia su cookie HTTP...

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Email: info@patriziavalla.it

Cookie Policy for Patrizia Vallaclose

What Are Cookies
As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored however this may downgrade or 'break' certain elements of the sites functionality.

For more general information on cookies see the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies...

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More Information
Hopefully that has clarified things for you and as was previously mentioned if there is something that you aren't sure whether you need or not it's usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with one of the features you use on our site. However if you are still looking for more information then you can contact us through one of our preferred contact methods.
Email: info@patriziavalla.it
patrizia valla

Patrizia Valla, architetto con un grande interesse per la medicina e la ricerca, ha aperto una nuova frontiera: “architetture, design e giardini come strumento terapeutico”.

Si distingue in Italia e all’estero come esperta in progettazione di complessi ricettivi e residenziali per anziani ad alto livello innovativo e tecnologico, operando nel settore dell’architettura e del design su tutto il territorio nazionale.
Dal 1990 al 1996, conseguita la laurea in Architettura, ha svolto attività di didattica e di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Progettazione dell’Architettura del Politecnico di Milano.
Nel 1997 ha fondato a Milano lo studio di architettura e in pochi anni di attività l’architetto Valla si è affermato come opinion-leader del settore terza età, diventando consulente e/o art-director di prestigiose aziende di arredo ed enti fieristici, e consolidando un trend positivo di incarichi singoli per progetti architettonici di eccellenza.
Dal 1994 propone linee guida per modelli di ambienti terapeutici attraverso congressi e pubblicazioni a livello nazionale e internazionale.
Le architetture realizzate, i numerosi manuali e articoli (oltre 100 articoli e/o pubblicazioni) dell’architetto sono diventati importanti riferimenti per chi opera nell’ambito della ricerca, della progettazione e dell’assistenza dedicata all’Alzheimer e agli anziani, ispirando nuove normative tecniche e numerose tesi di laurea.
Dal 1997 è autore esperto per alcune testate della BEMA ed. (Modulo, Suite, Progettare per la Sanità et al.) Collabora con i massimi esponenti della geriatria e della psichiatria, svolge un’intensa attività didattica e scientifica: letture a congressi scientifici; lezioni presso Università, Scuole di Specializzazione, Master di progettazione e nell’ambito di corsi di formazione per progettisti, medici e operatori (oltre 50 corsi e/o convegni).
Alcuni concepts di successo: il Giardino Alzheimer, I Giardini di Priamo (sistema d’arredo per Giardini terapeutici per anziani brevettato e prodotto da Sarba Spa, la “Porta Alzheimer”, “The Antiallergic Room” per alberghi, la Camera Multisensoriale a supporto terapeutico, l’alloggio assistito domotico con teleassistenza. Nel 2004 è vincitrice del concorso “Gamma Donna 10 e Lode” per l’imprenditoria al Salone Nazionale dell’Imprenditoria femminile di Torino: riconoscimento alla professionalità rispetto ai temi progettuali dello Studio ed al tipo di management.

Patrizia Valla, an architect with a keen interest in medicine and research, has opened a new frontier: "architecture, design and gardens as a therapeutic tool”.

In Italy and abroad she is well-known as an expert in the design of accommodation structures and nursing homes, with a high level of innovation and technology, working in the field of architecture and design throughout the national territory.
From 1990 to 1996, she obtained her degree in Architecture; she was involved in teaching and researching at the Department of Architectural Design at the Polytechnic of Milan.
In 1997, she founded her Studio of Architecture in Milan and in a few years of activity, the Architect Valla established herself as the opinion leader in the third age industry, becoming a consultant and/or art-director of prestigious furniture companies and organization fairs, and she has consolidated the positive trend of individual assignments for excellent architectural projects of healthcare structures. Since 1994, she has been proposing guidelines for models of therapeutic environments through conferences and publications at national and international level.
The realized architectures, numerous manuals and articles (more than 100 articles and/or publications) of the Architect have become important references for those who work in research, design and in the assistance devoted to the elderly and Alzheimer's, furthermore her works have inspired new technical regulations and numerous graduation thesis.
Since 1997, she has been an expert author for several publications and for the publishing group BEMA. (Modulo, Suite, Progettare per la Sanità et al.)
She collaborates with the greatest exponents of geriatrics and psychiatry, moreover she is very active in teaching and scientific activities; lectures at scientific congresses and at Universities, Specialized Schools, Master planning and as a part of training courses for designers, doctors and practitioners (more than 50 courses and/or conventions).
Some successfull concepts: The Alzheimer Garden, The Gardens of Priam (furniture system for therapeutic gardens for elderly, patented and produced by Sarba Spa, the the “Alzheimer Door”, "The Anti-allergic Room" for Hotels, the Multisensory Room for therapeutic support, assisted home with telecare and automation applications.
In 2004, she was the winner of the competition "GammaDonna 10 cum laude" for entrepreneurs at the National Women's Entrepreneurship Exhibition in Turin: rewarded for her professionalism with respect to the designed themes of her Studio and the type of management.